Turbine’s own searchable game database

That quest mob took forever to find? You are not sure what materials you'll need to craft that brand new shiny item? Fear no more! Turbine released a beta version of their wiki like LOTRO game database site at http://lorebook.lotro.com . At the moment there are no user submitted contributions but Turbine promises that this site is linked to the actual players database so everyone playing Lotro will be able to contribute to this site true wiki fashion. This seriously impacts webmasters of fansites that held similar content, but it gives the players a resource that is much more reliable and not under control of any gold selling companies (for example). We at LotroLife for one are ecstatic because now we will be able to focus on bringing more fun content to the site (ie more web comics) than spend days on figuring out how to provide a comprehensive quest/item database system (woohooo - Silriel). Here's the official statement:

"The Preview release of the LOTRO Lorebook Beta is now live at http://lorebook.lotro.com. This is the first version of our all-new reference site dedicated to The Lord of the Rings Online. Currently containing over 20,000 entries (with more on the way), the Lorebook is destined to become the definitive LOTRO resource online.

This Preview Release contains articles with information on nearly every quest, item, creature, NPC, class, and race in LOTRO!

While this Preview release is not editable, the upcoming public beta release features seamless integration with player accounts. This allows active LOTRO subscribers to participate in future community development of the Lorebook. Players will be able to annotate the existing entries, as well as create entirely new articles sharing tips, tricks, background information, and more.

Check out the Lorebook today and feel free to join us in the Lorebook Forums to provide your feedback!"

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