Check out the Top PC Sellers in the US

1. Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows Of Angmar - Midway - $49
2. Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows Of Angmar Special Ed - Midway - $59
3. World Of Warcraft: Burning Crusade Expansion Pack - Vivendi - $34
4. World Of Warcraft - Vivendi - $20
5. The Sims 2 Seasons Expansion Pack - Electronic Arts - $23
6. Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars - Electronic Arts - $48
7. The Sims 2 - Electronic Arts - $24
8. The Sims 2 Celebration Stuff Expansion Pack - Electronic Arts - $17
9. Bejeweled 2 - PopCap Games - $12
10. Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Shivering Isles Expansion Pack - 2K Games - $26

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