Lotro Ales & Tales Event

If you couldn't attend last Saturday's Lotro Weatherstock event don't miss a follow-up event known as Ales & Tales. This event is held every Monday at 10:30pm EST. It usually goes for 1-2 hours. Moonday, 1st Lithe (June 21st-1030pm est)

We shall meet at Adso's Camp and march together to the ancient tower of Ost Barandor. Bring Ale, bring a tale of elder days, and listen to my song of stars and their portent for our current battle and the ages to come.

Every Monday night 10:30pm EST the LMB will gather at a different location in Middle Earth; pubs, inns and occasionally places of notable lore. The time together is devoted to simple celebration of music, fine ale, tales and more... This gathering is open to non-members or those who wish to inquire about kin membership or meet other kinships who attend, or just hear a merry tune or tale. Anyone may volunteer to tell a tale, sing a song, recite a new poem, anything you wish to share with others in an RP setting. Feel free to strike up conversation with other adventurers, plan your next quest over a pint of mead! Think of it as a travelling pub, a place to meet new friends and share heroic tales. "Ales & Tales" is an open-ended RP gathering that provides a weekly setting for RP'ers of Landroval to gather and share the lore of Tolkien's world, and find new friends to embark on quests.


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