Kinship house for personal use

If you are planning to buy a Kinship house just for yourself  here is the main idea: 

  • Make your own kinship
  • Fill it with alts so it stays open
  • Wait until you get to rank 7

But you need to have at least 6 active players to form a Kinship in order to buy a Kin House. So with your 5 alts you would still be at least 1short.
You also have to be rich enough to pay upkeep.

The other way is to buy this Kin house

For Sale Kinship House. (Eldar Server)

Due to falling numbers of players we wish to sell are Kinship inclusive of House with 3 chests. This is a level 7 kinship. It is sited in the Bree Homesteads in Napgrove neighbourhood. Open to reasonable offers. Please note it would take around 20gp for purchase of house and chests.

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You can't sell houses to other players, but you can hand over kin leadership to another player so then they become owner/leader and have full access rights to the Kin as long as the 6 chrs can be kept within the kin!

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