Forochel Book 13 New Info

For this weeks topic on Community forum the main discussion was the upcoming new region for Book 13, Forochel. Here are some new info:

  • Players will be able to fish in the bay area in Forochel
  • Most of book 13 takes place in Forochel; we have also added a public level 50 hunting dungeon, deeds and monster camps for level 50 players.
  • The devs cannot say when we will be seeing Book 13 yet
  • Forochel is mostly a solo area for levels 44-50
  • Player manned boats are not being added in Book 13.
  • There will not be a new raid in Book 13, though the Lossoth reputation does have three unique armor sets.
  • We will encounter a famous lore character in Forochel.
  • There will be lots to do from the low 40s on up.
  • There will be a new mount variant in Forochel, you will have to wait and see what color it is
  • For a region as big as Forochel, it was important that we have a full travel network in place. Travel in Forochel consists of normal "slow" travel routes and Reputation-gated Swift Travel Routes. Want to get into or across Forochel fast? You have to be in good standing with the Lossoth.
  • There are also several new swift travel routes being added to existing Stable-masters, most of which also have a Reputation-gate to them.
  • As for Crafting, it is very tied into the Lossoth Reputation Line and focused mostly on Metal smithing and Leather working. And the available facilities (two different superior facilities) will require a certain standing to use as well. Resources are similar to those you find in Eastern Angmar.
  • Questing will get you a decent way into the Lossoth reputation tiers, I think you will be pleasantly surprised with how far questing will bring you. Keep an eye out for more information on this in the future.
  • Reputation rewards will be given out at all tiers
  • The Lossoth do not have a crafting reputation associated with them.
  • The only connection to Forochel will be through Evendim.
  • A few high level zones will connect to Forochel
  • You will be able to see the sea. We have a way of limiting how far into it you will be able to travel.
  • I don't believe any new traits are in the works; but I do know that more ranks in existing virtues will be available.
  • Players will not get wearable snow-shoes
  • Players will be getting cold weather armor sets as has been previously stated.
  • No new pets, but a new lore-master pet variant will be available through the Lossoth reputation rewards.
  • will it give some quests for the story about the ship which drop down in icebay of Forochel ? YES
  • The Lossoth capitol village is a little bit bigger than Aughaire. There are a number of smaller Lossoth villages scattered across the entirety of Forochel but their main village is the one with the most interesting look and best set of town services.
  • There are quests that will send you into it, but its intent isn't the same as Sarnur, Haudh Iarchith or Goblin-town. So - no rares, no unique deeds - just some simple dungeon crawling.
  • Sarnur and Haudh Iarchith were experiments with dynamic spawning and creating a public dungeon space that could support multiple fellowships. This dungeon for Book 13 is not intended to fill the same kind of roe that the Rep dungeons do.
  • players will be vectored into Forochel from other content areas around level 44.
  • You will be able to AFK without being killed by the cold; just watch out for whatever lives in it!
  • Forochel will have its own unique music
  • How many Chapters for Book 13? Eleven, but some chapters have multiple parts. The epic quest line has sixteen quests in it.
  • Currently players do not leave tracks in the snow.
  • The men that inhabit Forochel are called the Lossoth, and they are a bit like hillmen, but dressed a bit warmer
  • The Mustering Horn is a new component to the various Campsites found on landscape. Anywhere with a bindable campfire will have a Mustering Horn as well. It isn't a player inventory item.
  • the weather and creatures of Forochel are capable of doing long-lasting bad things to you and you will be able to counter those bad things by huddling up to the various scattered sources of warmth in the region.
  • Forochel will have a large number of solo quests for players levels 44-50, but it is also a very large region, close to the size of the North Downs. Both questers and explorers should be very happy with Forochel!
  • Turbine will not be adding any underwater gameplay in Forochel and doesn't have any plans to for the foreseeable future.
  • Lossoth NPcs will be able to skate and push sleds along, but players will not.
  • Turbine FX team has created a very cool new blizzard effect for use in Forochel (and other wintry locations).
  • YES We will see quests related to those who helped/fought Arvedui in Forochel
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