Book 14 Rewards

We would like to thank vanguard_gray for these screenshots, and Anguloke123 for interesting combines:

There are 4 combines you can do with those braclets. All the combos will have:
1.5 ICPR
2% Fear
45 Power Damage Reflection
The Set combos will have +22 morale also.

B=Belegechor E=Elechor G=Golechor T=Torechor

 B+T Set
30 Might
15 Agility
15 Vitality
15 Will
15 Fate
 E+G Set
30 Agility
15 Will
15 Vitality
30 Fate
 E+T Non-Set
15 Agility
30 Will
30 Fate
15 Might
 B+G Non-Set
15 Might
30 Agility
30 Vitality
15 Fate

Book 14 - Chapter 4

Book 14 - Chapter 6

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