Beware when using Dye Washes

The Dye Wash does not act as a method of reverting the current dye color to the previous dye color. What the wash does is restore the color back to the "factory" default, if you will (the color the item was originally designed with). The base texture is sort of ugly undyed. So players never see it undyed, it's always given a dye color of some sort. If the armor is sort of lower-quality in appearance, like rusty chainmail, the base dye color is meant to just look pretty nondescript. If it's high-level stuff, like the PvMP armor, its base dye color is usually a vivid color. Dye colors are never blended: if we put purple in as a base dye color, then that color is removed, and entirely replaced, with a different dye color, when players dye it. Now when players dye-wash that armor, it goes back to its base purple.

The dye wash will remove player dyes from armor, and take it back to this base color. On some armors, it has the appearance of having removed color, but on other armors, it has the appearance of taking it to some arbitrary color. Given that loot can itself be dyed randomly, the armor may be taken back to a color you haven't seen it with before.

If you're saying you have an item that was white, got dyed, and dye wash takes it back to some other color, please PM me with the item name and a screenshot of the way it looks now, and I will have a look.

For randomly dyed items, its color is indicated in the tooltip, which should make getting the correct dye not too much of a problem.

There are relatively few items in-game that have a very distinct base color. There are some elven armor sets that do, which was a way to get some elf-specific palette colors into the armor. But mostly, there aren't many items where you should be seeing this problem.

The Lord of the Rings Online Team
Turbine, Inc.

TheStormKing: Why can't we just get 3 sliders - R G and B - to set the color?

We're avoiding the H0T P1NK ARM0R!!1! problem by not doing things that way.
The Lord of the Rings Online Team
Turbine, Inc.

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