Sunday Sweets for Hobbits and other Lotr fans

This is not a post about making and decorating beautiful cakes. I would rather define it as a little batch of yummy Tolkien-inspired cakes. The first one I came across was beautiful Hobbit Hole cake on CasualStrolltoMordor. This great article is for all of us who have a sweet tooth, and the best part is that they have decided to make a new one.

My next discover was cakewrecks blog - Think of this blog not just as a collection of baking disasters but accidental art in the kitchen, at once spectacular and bizarre ( When I read this my first though was - Do they have anything about LOTR. And the answer was yes, but under NON-Wrecks feature 🙂 As they specified the most popular LOTR cake themes are Minas Tirith and The One Ring.

And my next step was - google! Several sites like greatwhitesnark, wetanz, always.ejwfiles, lotrfanshop, have also tickled my belly. At the end of this journey I wish you beautiful Sunday!

Lotr Cake

Lotr Cake

Lotr Cake

Lotr Cake

Lotr Cake

Lotr Cake
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