Lotro Isengard Private Preview Program

The Isengard Private Preview Program is taking applications for new members. Unfortunately Turbine is unable to open applications up to Codemasters subscribers at this time. 

  • Do you gain a sense of pride when you file bugs, knowing that you’ve helped us improve the game by doing so?
  • Do you have a few hours of free time a week that you would like devote to helping us test LOTRO?
  • Do you enjoy seeing things in an unfinished state and watching them develop?
  • Do you like the idea of having an influence on how those same things turn out in the end?
  • Can you keep a secret? No matter how many bribes of <insert favorite vice here> you may get?

If you answered ‘YES’ to all the above questions, then Isengard may be the place for you!


  1. Must be at least 18 years of age
  2. Must have a current, valid Turbine* subscription to The Lord of the Rings Online: Siege of Mirkwood registered under your name
  3. Must have a clean forum and game history
  4. Must be able to interact with the community in a mature and constructive manner
  5. Must be able to communicate well through forum posts and bug reports
  6. You must accept the terms of the Private Preview Program Non-Disclosure Agreement, the full contents of which will be provided during the registration process should you be accepted to the program

Please send an email to LOTROIsengard@turbine.com. In this email, please include the following information:

  1. Your full Real Name (please do not provide nicknames)
  2. Your Username for LOTRO (this is the account name you use to log in to the LOTRO launcher)
    • NOTE: Please only provide ONE account. If you have multiple accounts/subscriptions, please provide information for only 1 of them.
  3. Your Live Forum name (the name that displays on these boards) tied to the account in Bullet 2
  4. The email address registered to the LOTRO Live account provided in bullet 2.
  5. An explanation why you would like to participate in the preview program. This can be a summary of why you enjoy the game, what kind of bugs you've filed in the past, what kind of forum posting history you have, or any other way you think you can contribute to the program.

Assure this information is sent via email only. Please do not use Private Message.

If you are accepted to the program, you will receive an email with instructions on how to get started. Applications will be reviewed on a monthly basis, with invitations sent to accepted applicants sent shortly thereafter. If you have any questions, see FAQ.


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