Bullroarer Book 8

Bullroarer will go live on Thursday May 21 at 7:00PM Eastern (-4 GMT). Bullroarer is a true test server. Turbine’ll be conducting a login queue and server test promptly at 7:00PM. It’s important everyone who logs in remain in the queue. Don’t be discouraged by your position in the queue or the wait time estimates. No one is sneaking in ahead of you. Everyone will be allowed in at the same time. It’s an important test so please be on time!

Once the world is open be sure to test out new Summer Festival! There will be devs in game to help you find the new goodies, too! Sometime between 7:00PM and 8:00PM Turbine’ll make an in game announcement regarding the opening of the Book 8 epic story line. If you want to see it first, you’ll need to be logged in and ready to go!

What you need:
You’ll need Bullroarer installed and fully updated prior to 7:00PM on Thursday. Make sure you’re patched well ahead of time or you’ll miss the test! You can download it here.

What to expect:
Because Bullroarer is a test server you can expect to see things that aren’t quite right.  Turbine is very interested in feedback and bug reports.

Head over to the forum to read the full details.

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