Book 8 Minstrel Changes


* The Minstrel skill Call to Greatness will now apply level appropriate versions of Shields Up and Guardian's Ward to Wardens and Guardians respectively.
* As expected in Book 7, we've had to tone down the IA damage progressions for the Minstrel to keep his IA contribution to DPS in line with his class role. This will allow us to maintain the 1-50 experience we want to see from the class.

Legendary Items

* Minstrels and Wardens will have all points spent on their legendary items refunded in response to changes made to their legacies so they can re-spend them accordingly.

General Items of Interest for Minstrels

* The Strange Happenings Raid (aka Turtle Raid) now has some additional 1st Age and 2nd Age swords made in the likeness of the Filikul Spears.
* Adjusted the stats on the following crafted sets of medium armour to improve the usefulness of the armour sets for Hunters, Burglars, and Wardens:

* Footman's Armour /Fine Footman's Armour
* Scout's Armour / Superior Scout's Armour
* Herald's Armour / High Herald's Armour
* Marchwarden's Armour / Majestic Marchwarden's Armour

* Adjusted the stats on the following crafted sets of armour to improve the usefulness of the armour sets for Lore-masters, Minstrels, and Rune-keepers:

* Superb Radiant / Exquisite Radiant (Includes Dwarf-make, Elven, and Westernesse versions)
* Rock-climber's Armour / Rugged Rock-climber's Armour
* Searcher's Armour / Superior Searcher's Armour
* Treasure-hunter's Armour / Transcendent Treasure-hunter's Armour
* Master's Armour / Magnificent Master's Armour
* New Supreme Burglar's signal recipes can now be found in treasure.

Click here for Book 8 Minstrel Lady's Grace set Gallery

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