Lothlorien Screenshots

Lothlorien Screenshots

This gallery will attempt to show Lothlorien. Additional input and data are always welcome!
We would like to thank Hellfanger, Wisdomandlore and Easton_Jameson for these great screenshots.

Galadriel Statue 1

Galadriel Statue

Lothlorien East Gate

Lothlorien Elf 1

Lothlorien Elf

Lothlorien Forest

Lothlorien Gate

Lothlorien Lake 1

Lothlorien Lake

Lothlorien Landscape 1

Lothlorien Landscape 2

Lothlorien Landscape 4

Lothlorien Landscape 5

Lothlorien Landscape 6

Lothlorien Landscape 7

Lothlorien Landscape 8

Lothlorien Landscape 9

Lothlorien Landscape

Lothlorien Mallorn Trees

Lothlorien Map

Lothlorien Nimrodel

Lothlorien Waterfall 1

Lothlorien Waterfall

Rhovanion Map
