No Gold Ads!

Thanks to the watchful eye of the LOTRO community we have been notified that our site has been swamped with gold selling ads in the Google ads. Prior to posting the google ads on the site we made sure to put in all the best known gold selling sites into our filters. Unfortunately it seems that this was just half the road and that our battle with gold ads has just begun. Therefore we have taken down the Google ads for now and have posted a no gold ads button on all our pages as a statement of our dedication to prevent these from showing up. We will be looking into other alternatives for ad placement on our site and if you have anyone to recommend please make sure to contact us. We didn't start this site with profit in mind but it would be of great importance for its existence if it could at least maintain itself. Thanks again to the Lotro community for pointing this out to us.

Edited: The google ads are back up and I hope our filters have kicked in. If you see any inappropriate ads showing up please let us know.

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