Book 7 Lore Master Changes

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Book 7 Lore-Master set

Book 7 Lore-Master sets - beta screenshots

(by Hellfanger)

Book 7 Lore-Master changes

  • Decreased the power cost reduction to -5% for the following Lore-master tomes: Tome of Beasts, Tome of Nature, and Tome of the Dúnedain.
  • Knowledge of the Lore-master, displays more complete information again.
  • Text for the Ancient Master was incorrectly referring to Dead rather than Men with Improvements for Warding Lore.
  • Removed Subtle Wizard from the Lore-master Traits. (Statistically, it was not used by LM anywhere.)
  • Added "Fast Loader" which removes induction from BF. (The answer to the riddle, "Why does the Burglar not have an induction for Riddle but the Lore-master has one for BF?")
  • Improved Storm-Lore is now worth 25% damage.
  • Changed the animation used for Honey-n-Oats usage to be more appropriate for the action.
  • 'Proof Against All Ills' has been reworded to clarify that, once slotted, Leech Craft and Tend the Sick only work on fellowship members.
  • Legendary Titles that increase Light damage now properly increase the damage of Lore-master Light-based attacks.
  • The deed Beast-lore can now be accomplished by using Sign of the Wild: Rage or Sign of the Wild: Improved Rage.
  • Improved Blinding Flash is now counted towards the completion of the 'Explosive Force' deed.
  • Non-combat pets keep up with their masters a little better.
  • As a Lore-master, if you have the trait "Power and Wisdom" slotted, the tooltip for the skill "Power of Knowledge" will now display the correct 'Channel Duration' of 24 seconds.
  • Fixed a bug with "Sign of Power: See All Ends" being unable to overwrite the traited version of "Sign of Power: Command." The fix for this adds a bit more functionality to Lore-masters; they're now able to have both "Sign of Power: Command" and "Sign of Power: See All Ends" on the same target at the same time.
  • Renamed "Sign of Power: Wizardry" and "Sign of Power: Wizard's Fire" to "Sign of Battle: Wizardry" and "Sign of Battle: Wizard's Fire." This was done in order to differentiate the functionality of "Signs of Power" versus "Signs of Battle".
  • "Signs of Power" are always able to stack on a single target from the same Lore-master.
  • With "Signs of Battle" a single Lore-master can only place one "Sign of Battle" on a target at a time, but if there is more than one Lore-master they can each place a "Sign of Battle" on the same target.
  • Improved Sticky Gourd now increments the Wild and Ward Trait properly.
  • 'Sign of Power: Wizardry' and 'Sign of Power: Wizard's Fire' descriptions have been updated to remove reference of a shared cooldown.
  • Tier 6 & 8 'Beacon of Hope' threat reduction legacies display the correct tooltip information.
  • The Sabertoothâs core-attacks now deal frost damage, as well as having their supercritical multiplier raised on common attacks.